Thursday, October 22, 2009


Today i got a call from one of my good friends back home, Kenley. She said that one of our friends that we used to chill with all the time turned into a tweaker. Michelle used to be so cool. we'd hang out all the time, smoke pot by the beach and get drunk but now she's totaly fucked up her life and lost all her friends! HA! well thats what she gets for being a dumbass. If it werent for her, i wouldnt even be here in this damn town. but ill tell that story later.
gotta go <3


Is the day I start my first blog. I don't really know whyI started but it's mostly just to give me something to do. I have a life, so don't think i'm one of those lame people who spend all their time on the computer. i'll probably only write when i feel like something significant has happened.
and right now, theres nothing.
so howdy, aloha, hasta lavista, cheerio, good-day or whatever you people say.